"Nichts ist so beständig wie der Wandel." Die Orientierung an Wettbewerbsbedingungen und Kundenwünschen, ist der Schlüsselfaktor für einen langfristigen Unternehmenserfolg.
Classical process management consists in general of a detailed planning process, a set of solid frameworks and a minimum garantee on project security. For most "standard processes", these are desireable traits. However, similar to project management, there are increasingly many processes that need to adapt themselves to changeable requirements, external factors, and an ever increasing complexity.
When to comes to business practices, certain issues become of foremost importance:
- Which processes in my company are typical "standard processes" and which ones underlie volatile requirements?
- Could agile methods be more suitable for processes that underlie volatile requirements?
- Is it possible to combine agile methods and classical hierarchical structures?
- Which guiding principles need to be present in the company, so that agile processes can be succesfully implemented?
The answers to these questions depend on the individual circumstances of your organization. As digital natives, we always have process development and optimization in the back of our minds, so we can develop individual solutions together with you.